Election Risk Review

Hi, I’m Jim Munchbach with BayRock Financial with another quick message to help you keep cool, calm, and collected in these uncertain times.

I’ve been hearing many questions and concerns from folks about the upcoming elections, especially in light of the President’s COVID diagnosis and the turmoil in Washington.

Trump supporters are worried about a Biden win.

Biden supporters are nervous about a Trump win.

Whichever side of the political isle you’re on, you may be anxious about who’s going to win and what it might mean for your money.

I get it. Emotions are running high, and the way things are going this year, anything could happen. I’m not here to make any predictions, but I can offer a little insight.

It might not actually be the end of the world if “the other guy” wins but – either way – here are three good things to keep in mind.

One: Market Volatility

Market volatility is to be expected because we’re in uncertain times. The first good thing to keep in mind is that you can prepare for that volatility and get ready for it – mentally and financially:

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Two: Congressional Outcome

Even if the other guy wins, his ability to change regulations really depends on – what happens with the House and Senate. If the two branches of government remain split, we probably won’t see major changes any time soon.

Three: The Election is One of Many Risks

While the election is top of mind right now, it’s not the only thing driving markets. We’ve got a pandemic, an economy recovering from a recession, and a society undergoing major shifts. My job is to keep an eye on all of that, so you don’t have to.

I can’t predict who will win or what will happen next. But, I can help you work through scenarios and make plans for an uncertain 2020 and 2021. 

If you have questions about how the elections might affect your portfolio or you’d like to talk one-on-one, please use the form below to send me a message. I’ll respond personally. Or, visit KnowRiskInvesting.com to get your “Risk Number”.

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